Saving For Your Future

Budgeting tools laid out on a table

We all know how important it is to be financially prepared for your future. It can sometimes feel intimidating, but it is a must to secure your business’s future through smart financial planning. Just like personal savings, putting away funds for your business’s future is crucial for long-term success and stability. So, let’s discuss some practical steps to safeguard your future!

Know Your Expenses

First things first, it’s essential to have a clear understanding of your business’s expenses. What are the regular monthly costs? Are there any variable expenses that you need to account for? By having a breakdown of your finances and expenses, you can determine how much money is coming in and out of your business.

Pro tip: Here is an easy method for mapping out your expenses. List everything that contributes to running your business smoothly. This includes rent, employee salaries, office supplies, subscriptions, travel, packaging, and more. Now, let’s break it down:

Fixed Expenses: These are the consistent costs that you pay every month, no matter how busy your business is. This might include rent, insurance, and your subscriptions.

Variable Expenses: These are costs that can change depending on your business activity. Think of items like office supplies, packaging, and shipping. These costs can fluctuate based on customer demand and sales.

One-Time Expenses: Occasionally, you might have one-time or irregular expenses. This could be traveling to a yearly conference or investing in new equipment.

Set a Savings Goal

Once you’ve figured out your expenses, the next step is setting a savings goal. How much does your business need to be secure for the future? Having a clear goal in mind will help you stay focused on your financial objectives.

Pro tip: Remember to consider both short-term and long-term goals. Here is an example of each.

Short-Term Goal: In the next year, you plan to upgrade your office equipment and software. You estimate this will cost around $20,000.

Long-Term Goal: Over the next three years, you want to expand your services. You anticipate needing $50,000 for this, covering marketing, hiring new staff, and setting up materials.

Profit-Based Savings

Once your business starts bringing in profits, it’s time to create a consistent savings plan. For example, consider saving 10% of your monthly profits directly into a savings account. By doing this you can ensure as your business grows, so does your financial safety net. And as your business grows, revisit your savings percentage. If you get an increase in profits, you might decide to save a higher percentage to boost your financial safety net’s growth.

Prepare For It All

For businesses that deal with seasonal fluctuations, preparing for the slow seasons is a must. You need to have enough funds to cover costs, even when business is slower than usual. And let’s not forget about preparing for an unexpected emergency. It’s a good rule of thumb to save enough to cover at least 6 to 12 months’ worth of expenses. This will give you a cushion during challenging times-whether it’s a sudden drop in sales, a global crisis, or unforeseen operational issues. 

And that’s your comprehensive guide to saving for your business’s future! If you want even more financial advice, check out out course Budgeting & Financial Projections for more easy, approachable, and module learning. Keep these steps in mind, and you’ll be well on your way to a financially stable future! 

  1. Cate Powell Avatar

    Save up for sure! A favorite method I recommend is Profit First, by Mike Machalowitz. His strategies include setting aside percentages to pay tax, the CEO wage, operating expenses, long term savings and a profit account. From every dollar of income you allot a percentage to each account and you operate on the rest. You set aside profit first instead of waiting to see if you were profitable after expenses.

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