How to Use AI as a Tool

AI assistant computer screen

We have all heard of Artificial Intelligence (AI), and the information out there can be a little intimidating. AI has become a powerful tool, changing the way we approach and tackle tasks. Technology is ever-changing and embracing which can really help in different areas of your business. Of course, we don’t want AI to replace human jobs and roles, but on a smaller scale, AI can be used as a tool to help get some creative juices flowing and stay efficient and productive. There are a few tricks in getting the most out of AI tools, so let’s get into it!

The truth is, you are going to see AI pop up in a lot if platforms you already have. Some popular programs I use that utilize AI are, Grammerly, ChatGPT, Canva, and Abobe.

Writing A Prompt

The first step to using AI is writing the prompt. Writing your prompt correctly will ensure you are getting the information you want and need, and will make the whole AI process more efficient and productive. When programs like ChatGPT, think of a prompt as the north star that directs the AI’s responses. Clear direction in the prompt is crucial for the best results. Don’t be afraid to have a lengthy prompt if needed, the more guidance you give the better. This part takes practice so don’t get discouraged if it’s not going right the first couple of times!

Example Prompt: instead of asking a vague question like “Give me an Instagram caption I can use for business” a more effective prompt could be: “Give me a list of 30 facts and statistics about workplace culture”

AI as a Tool, not a Replacement

It’s important to remember that AI is a tool, not a substitute for human skills and expertise. AI lacks creativity, empathy, and the understanding that humans have. While AI can help give ideas and suggestions, it always requires a human perspective to refine and fine-tune. Also, AI has limitations with its data and will not always give entirely accurate or up-to-date information.

Double-Checking and Verifying

AI content should always be verifified and double-checked. Human checking is a must with evaluating the relevance and appropriateness of the information. AI should be looked at as a valuable assistant in the research process, but the responsibility for the final product will be with the human user.

My Personal Experience

In my own professional experience, AI has become really valuable tool. As someone who often works independently and values collaboration, AI helps bridge the gap in brainstorming and coming up with ideas. When I need to write copy, create social media captions, or brainstorm for a project, AI allows me to kickstart the process and get some creative juices flowing. I often start out with writing a prompt asking for information on a specific topic, or I will request a list of ideas, stats, or facts. This way I get a lot of information quickly, and I can start to build my project from there. I also use the AI platform Grammarly (a must for any SMM or VA!)  to help with proofreading, clarity and word selection. I’ve also used AI in design program like Canva and Adobe, and they are great time savers.

Overall, AI can be a valuable tool for anyone needed a little help to kickstart a project. AI should never be used as a replacement for human skill, but if it is used in the correct way it can be a great asset. So next time you see AI pop up, give it a try!

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